VMG8924-B10A VOIP SIP Registration details
Hi Guys,
I've been trying (unsuccessfully!) to enter the 'SIP Service Provider' server addresses to enable the analogue VOIP ports.
The VOIP provider has given me sip.gb-plcl-aws.gammaapi.net as the server credentials, but the router complains about trying to enter 'special characters' (the '-', I think).
I've successfully used these credentials in both a DrayTek and a TP-Link router, so I was wondering why the VMG 'spits its dummy'🤨
Any clues would be most welcome!!
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Hello @S80
Welcome to the forum.
Can you say please what firmware version is in your VMG8924-B10A ?
Unfortunately, there is almost no support on this device anymore, as it is End of Life and End of Support by Zyxel.
The VMG8924-B10A-EU01V1F was declared end of life (EOL) in October 2015 according the information at and then it would have 5 years until end of support (EOS) as a business device according to
This would mean the EOS would have been October 2020.
So the VMG8924-B10A is End of Support.
Kind regards,
Tony (a fellow Zyxel customer.)https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/4844786400786-End-of-Life-EOL-EoL-End-of-Support-EOS-EoS-0
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