How to check the CPU temperature and make sure the device is operating at a proper temperature?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,294  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Background and Scenario:

To avoid potential overheating issues with your device and prevent unexpected problems such as freezing or sudden reboots, ensure that it is operating at the proper temperature.


If you are using medium or larger models, such as the USG Flex 500, ATP800, or others, you could use the CLI “debug hardware fan-get” to check the CPU’s current operating temperature, as below CLI result:

Router# debug hardware fan-get

Sensor[0]:56 degree

Sensor[1]:35 degree

Sensor[2]:40 degree

FAN[0]:5793 RPM

FAN[1]:5756 RPM

FAN[2]:5763 RPM

FAN[3]:5738 RPM

FAN[3]:5738 RPM

In addition to checking the CPU temperature, here are some general guidelines to ensure proper device temperature:

Place the device in a cooler environment whenever possible. If there is an air conditioning system available, using it can help maintain lower temperatures.

Keep the device away from any heat sources and ensure there is a proper distance between the device and other equipment. This allows for adequate airflow and prevents heat buildup

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