PLA6456 - Firmware Update does not seem to be occurring

I just received my new PLA6456 and was able to connect to the Internet immediately :) I ran speedtest and my speed with 60 MBPs and 14ms latency. I attempted to update the firmware via my PC and for 10 minutes it has been refreshing to this screen. Can you help?

All Replies

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 116  Ally Member
    First Comment First Answer Friend Collector First Anniversary

    You can try with other webpages and check if the symptom occur the same, if not maybe that is the cache issue on the web page.

  • I have changed browsers and i completely wiped and re-installed Windows 11 OS (due to an unrelated issue) still nothing is happening.

  • I did not realize I had to unzip the file and pick the firmware file directly. You can fix this by filtering the "pickable" file by coding in *.bin then the user will realize they have to unzip the file

  • suisei
    suisei Posts: 116  Ally Member
    First Comment First Answer Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Upgrade the firmware, you need to update the "*.bin" file, not the zip file.

    Yes~~~, if the process of upgrading only involves placing the bin file, that would be perfect.

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