[Hotfix] Specific devices disconnect from Wi-Fi issues

Zyxel_CSO Posts: 445  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
edited February 2024 in WirelessLAN New Release

Hotfix For:

Resolves rare device disconnection issues, including some persistent situations and unresolvable by reboot.

Affected Models:







Upgrade Steps:

Before you start to perform the date firmware upgrade, please go to Nebula web site, navigate to Nebula > Site-wide > Configure > Firmware management as Ignore upgrade firstly to prevent auto upgrade override the provided firmware.

Upgrade via ZON tool:

  1. Download and progress the installation of ZON tool.


2. Connect your laptop to the same network with your AP, then open ZON.exe.

3. Select the “settings” icon on the right side of the bar

And choose the network interface card which you’re using connect to your network.

4. Click the “Clear and rescan” button

Wait until the scan process is complete, you’ll be able to see your AP is listed in the table.

*Please ensure the laptop running ZON tool is connect to the same network with correct network interface card selected in settings to scan (Step 3.)

5. Select the AP which plan to upgrade the provided firmware, then click the “Firmware Upgrade” icon.

6. Select the “Local upgrade” option and click “Browse…” to upload the provided firmware. (.bin file), and fill in the password, then press “OK” button to proceed the upgrade.

*Note: If your device is being managed on Nebula, please go to Nebula web site, navigate to Nebula > Configure > Site setting > Device configuration to check your password

Additional upgrade method:

FTP upgrade

Local GUI (*Standalone mode only)

Hotfix Solution:







If you observed or met any other unexpected issues, please contact us.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Zyxel Nebula Support