Wifi unstable when Access point WX3100-TO connected to router EX3100-TO

mn4k Posts: 2  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

Hello all,

I'm trying to create a mesh with my router EX3100-TO. I setup the access point as per the instructions by connecting it to the router via a LAN cable.

I then move the access point WX3100-TO some 10 m away and connect it to the router via a LAN cable to LAN1. However, this makes the wifi unstable and all the devices connected to the wifi keep losing the connection. It is an insidious problem because you have no idea a device (e.g. your phone) is disconnected from wifi unless you turn on the screen. I then have to manually search for an connect the wifi only to have the same thing happen again.

Once I disconnet the WX3100-TO , the wifi is fine but this means that I do not have a wifi connection all over my house.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited November 2023

    Hello @mn4k

    Welcome to the forum.

    Are you able please to say what versions of firmware are running in your Zyxel devices?

    Do you have a WiFi Analyser app on a mobile device that you could you to see if you are getting WiFi interference or not?

    What are the LEDs on your WX3301-T0 like when you get the issues?

    Looking at the WX3301-T0 user guide available to download at https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en-gb/support/download?model=wx3100-t0 are you able to see anything in the logs on the WX3100-T0 extender?

    - se below extract from the user guide.

    Many questions from me. :-)

    There is also a help guide from Zyxel published only 3 days ago at https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/9120511248786-DX3301-T0-EX3300-T0-Configure-Router-and-Connect-WX3100-Using-Mesh- which seems like it could be useful to you.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,


  • mn4k
    mn4k Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Hello @tonygibbs16

    Thank you for your helpful reply.

    Firmware on router V5.5(ABVY.3)C0

    On access point: V5.5(ABVL.1)C0

    I haven't got a wifi analyser app. Could you kindly recommend one to me for android please?

    I went through the 3 steps (2.1-2.3) in the help guide you suggested and used the Zyxel Mpro Mesh app which showed that the mesh was connected. However, when I carry out step 2.4 and reconnect with just the power cable (ONLY!), the extended router WX3100 shows as disconnected and after refresh, disappears completely from the Mpro Mesh app home screen. However, the wifi on the extended router still blinks green and the power light is solid green. The link light is off.

    As I mentioned in my original post, if I leave it connected in a different room with the LAN cable connected, it does improve my wifi but the wifi clients keep disconnecting when one moves to the room where the router is.

    Thanks very much in advance.

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited November 2023

    Hello @mn4k

    You are welcome.

    I use the WiFi Analyser app by olgor.com personally, that is available on the Google Play store.

    Maybe the devices are too far apart to work as a wireless mesh…the WiFi analyser could help confirm this or not.

    - Did the WX3100-T0 show Red for the Link LED at step 2.4? (see below)

    - maybe an additional access point device in between might help…

    I have recently setup a similar situation to yourself, but with a different make of WiFi mesh products, and had to use a LAN connection because the products would not mesh wirelessly through the thick walls of a house.

    I guess one possible way forward is to set the WX3100-T0 up with a different SSID to the EX3100-T0, such that your devices go out of coverage by design as you move around until it/you reconnect to a different SSID…

    - I have done this in my Home set-up and it prompts me to reconnect to the WiFi if the device does not choose the different SSID automatically, which Android 13 does sometimes do,

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,


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