[ATP/FLEX] How can I check if the iPhone L2TP VPN connection has access to the internal LAN network?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited November 2023 in VPN

Scenario :

If you want to use the iphone L2TP VPN connection can access the internal LAN network, you can refer to this article.

Answer :

Once you establish L2TP successfully on the iPhone.

Then you can navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firewall > Interface to check the lan interface IP address.

You can use a third-party tool such as Net Analyzer to ping lan interface IP addresses to see if can ping successfully or not. If so, means you can access the internal lan network without a problem.

ping lan1 interface IP address successfully

ping lan2 interface IP address successfully

What wrong?

Why am I unable to access the internal LAN network through the remote VPN? Please refer to this FAQ article.