How can I configure Auto Healing in my network?

Zyxel_Jay Posts: 227  Zyxel Employee
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edited December 2023 in Other Topics


Auto Healing settings can be adjusted through the controller’s web interface. To do this, go to Configuration > Wireless > Auto Healing.

Auto Healing Interval: This setting determines the time interval for the automatic scanning of neighboring access points. Each network scan lasts approximately 1 minute. If a scan detects an unavailable access point, it requires 3 confirmations, which takes around 3 minutes, before the neighboring access points increase their output signal power. Once the inactive access point is restored, the output power of these neighboring access points will automatically decrease back to their original state.

Power Threshold: This is the threshold value required after scanning for neighbors. If this threshold is not met, it is assumed that there are no neighboring access points. Typically, access points with an RSSI of -85 dBm or better are included in the default neighbor list.

For Auto healing description,please refer to this ariticle :

For "How does Auto Healing work in a real-world scenario?",please refer to this article