[Mobile router] Understanding about Nebula Cloud Control Status

Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,938  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula

In the device local Web GUI main dashboard, use this screen to enable or disable Nebula Discovery.

You can also view the Internet connection status, Nebula connection status and the mobile router registration status in this screen. When the mobile router is online on Nebula control center (NCC), three circles are all green.

To pass your mobile router management to the NCC, make sure your mobile router is connected to the Internet. Then go to the NCC and register your mobile router.

Internet: The mobile router Internet connection status.
• Green: The mobile router is connected to the Internet.
• Orange: The mobile router is not connected to the Internet.

Nebula: The connection status between the mobile router and the NCC.
• Green: The mobile router is connected to the NCC.
• Gray: The mobile router is not connected to the NCC.

Registration: The mobile router registration status on the NCC.
• Green: The mobile router is registered on the NCC.
• Gray: The mobile router is not registered on the NCC.

If your mobile router is registered and added in the site on Nebula with offline status, the circles may display as below.

In most cases, it’s the TCP/UDP port being blocked by firewall or ISP. This table is intended to help guide you in creating firewall rules for Nebula, please check your firewall or ISP if they’re blocking them.

We suggest replacing the DNS setting with the static IP address "" for resolving all domains for Nebula.

Please note that all circles will gray out if you disable Nebula Discovery. When a circle is gray or orange, hover the mouse over the circle to check the diagnostic message.