How to troubleshoot when USG FLEX H is freezing and not responding?

Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,405  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
edited January 2024 in Maintenance

This article describes troubleshooting steps to take when the USG FLEX H becomes unresponsive.

If the firewall is freezing and both GUI and SSH are inaccessible, connect console cable to the device and open TeraTerm. Serial Port > Baud rate: 115200.

  1. Check if console is still working when you enter any commands on console.
    usgflex700h> show version
    usgflex700h> show interface vrf main
  2. Ping from device on console and check the result.
    usgflex700h> cmd ping
  3. Connect one laptop in LAN and ping the device LAN IP. Check if there is any ping loss.
  4. Collect diagnostic file.
  • Collect diag-info BEFORE you restart the device manually.
    Note: if diag-info cannot be collected before restarting, use "send break +x" BEFORE restarting the device manually.
    For example, click "Send break" on TeraTerm and then enter "x"
  • Restart the device manually.
  • Collect diag-info AGAIN after the device boots up. You can collect the diagnostic file on GUI or CLI.

Collect diagnostic file on GUI

Collect diagnostic file using CLI