LTE3316 How do I use it with a VPN? - URGENT


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  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hello @DWARD

    Thanks for your reply. Yes it is v1 of the user guide, but it does not say that it is hardware version specific.

    What firmware version is your device running please?

    * Your latest screenshot was very helpful, as it seems like your device is running a version of firmware without showing the Configuration menu at all. An ISP customised firmware version.

    Kind regards,


    DWARD Posts: 10
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Thank you. You mention ISP customised. I purchased this myself new from Amazon and there is no mention of it being ISP customised. Attached is a screenshot, that firmware is the latest that it says there is

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited March 2024

    Hello @DWARD

    You are welcome.

    Your latest screenshot shows that your LTE3316-m604 device is running a customised version of firmware, because the firmware name does not end in C0 after the brackets.

    This explains why you cannot see the Configuration menu, because someone has changed the firmware build.

    I am not sure of the easiest way to get to your device onto the non-customised firmware line-up.

    You probably need to log a trouble ticket with Zyxel using the following link.

    Or you might want to ask the Amazon seller for a return and refund.

    Kind regards,


  • anonimo
    anonimo Posts: 3
    First Comment
    edited May 2024

    Just to chip on this, I was looking to run a VPN from my LTE3316-M604 which is running

    firmware:- 2.00(ABMP.7)C0 (ie latest stock firmware) and I too cannot see any of the options to get to VPN settings referenced in the above trail…

    On the official Zyxel support page for the 3316 there are 2 versions of the datasheet for the spec.

    1 has VPN listed, 1 doesn't…

    2019 spec

    2021 spec

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