What is End-of-Life, and how can customers manage EOL transitions?

Zyxel_Nami Posts: 631  Zyxel Employee
Second Anniversary Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch 50 Answers Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Security

End-of-Life (EOL) refers to the stage in the lifecycle of a Zyxel product when it is no longer being produced or actively supported by Zyxel. To ensure our customers can manage EOL transitions effectively, we provide detailed EOL notifications and migration recommendations through our official channels. Customers can access comprehensive EOL information and guidance on our dedicated webpage: Zyxel EOL Information.

The EOL process encompasses three key stages:

  1. End of Development: This is the date after which the product will no longer have new firmware developments, feature enhancements, or bug fixes. In certain cases, maintenance builds might be released to address industry-wide critical security issues. Customers should ensure they have the latest firmware update installed and begin planning for the transition to a new product.
  2. End of Vulnerability Support: After this date, the product will no longer receive updates to patch security vulnerabilities. Exceptionally, maintenance builds may be provided in the event of industry-wide critical security issues. Customers should accelerate their migration plans by this stage, as the security of their network may become compromised over time without new security patches.
  3. End of RMA (Return Materials Authorization) & Technical Support: Following this date, Zyxel will no longer offer technical support, and the product will not be eligible for return or repair services. Customers must have transitioned to a newer product by this stage to avoid any disruptions in service or support challenges.

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