Router Configuration - Gaming


I've recently installed a fibre connection at my place, using a Zyxel router model EMG3525-T50C.

I have had the isp configure the router, and I am reaching the desired speeds, however I cannot seem to log in to a certain game. Other games connect fine.
If I have to connect the console using Hotspot or another connection, the game logs in.
Can this be due to Firewall preventing this certain game?
Please advise, Regards


All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hello @Hoosen93

    Welcome to the forum.

    Your gaming issues might be due to the firewall blocking ports…

    It would be worthwhile for you to research your problematic game with it's manufacturer and see if they have information about what networking ports should be opened in a firewall in order for the game to work.

    Kind regards Tony

  • Hoosen93
    Hoosen93 Posts: 3
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @tonygibbs16,

    Thank you for the welcome and for the reply.

    I have looked this up, and forwarded the necessary ports, yet still the same issue.

    The game in question is Fortnite. Apart from the ports, could there be anything else?
    I spend a large portion of my free time scanning through the router settings looking for something that can be blocking this.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 146  Ally Member
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    May be you are behind a CG-NAT and have no real public IP ? What delivers your ISP ?

    Is it possible to play the game with IPv6 ?

  • Hoosen93
    Hoosen93 Posts: 3
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @Peter2

    Unfortunately I have no idea what all of this means lol.

    I know if I connect to my home wifi, which is a router using a sim card, or if I connect using my cellular hotspot, the game works fine.

    As soon as I try to connect using the fibre router, the game does not log in.

    I saw a post suggesting I bypass the router by connecting the LAN cable directly from Fibre box to the PS4. I will try this today to know if the router is blocking it.

    I have set the router firewall to low, I have forwarded the relevant ports on both tcp and udp.

    I have setup DMZ on the router for PS4. Still no luck.



  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 146  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    "Unfortunately I have no idea what all of this means lol."

    So you should contact your ISP for information about this !

  • Rich_H
    Rich_H Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    I have just installed a Zyxel router which provides fast internet but no access to "Squad" game servers. Did you ever manage to solve your issue?

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