How long will the WAN failover feature take?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Scenario :

Users can follow this article : [ATP/FLEX]How do you setup failover with 2 ISP providers? to set up dual WAN failover feature, but how long will the WAN failover feature take?

Answer :

It shall be fast, please refer to our lab test result:

The ATP100 has two WAN interfaces.

The backup interface is set to WAN2.

We used a PC to get a DHCP IP from the LAN1 interface and ping through the WAN1 interface. When the WAN1 port is manually disconnected, there will be a ping drop, but the ping packets will fail over to the WAN2 interface immediately. Therefore, the failover should be fast.