WX3100-T0 stopped working after a week

geofffox1 Posts: 8
First Comment Friend Collector
edited June 2024 in Home Router

I have a DX3301-T0 as my main router and two WX3100-T0. Had them both around 2x weeks. Both WXs were working fine and visible within the MPro Mesh app. Today one stopped working. No green Link light to suggest it’s connected to the router. Green power light and green WiFi light , but no connection. I unplugged it, connected it to the router using a cable and restarted it. After around three mins, the green Link light came on so I had the three green lights I needed as per the instructions here: https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/9120511248786-DX3301-T0-EX3300-T0-Configure-Router-and-Connect-WX3100-Using-Mesh

…but things go wrong between steps 2.3 to 2.4. When I unplug the AP, disconnect the Ethernet, and then re-start, regardless of whether I physically move the AP, it doesn’t connect to the main router, so I’m back to two lights. Is it likely faulty?

I’d not made any changes to my set up before the AP stopped working. If it had never worked out of the box, I’d guess it was faulty, but seems strange to fail after a week of use???

The reset button on the back of the AP doesn’t seem to do anything otherwise I’d try resetting. Is there a different button combo to reset as there’s literally no movement in the button itself ?


All Replies

  • geofffox1
    geofffox1 Posts: 8
    First Comment Friend Collector
    edited June 2024

    just to add - I have now successfully reset the WX device. Same problem occurs. I can only get a green Link led when connected via Ethernet.

  • Liba
    Liba Posts: 192  Master Member
    First Comment First Answer Second Anniversary

    Maybe you could also try reset the DX3301-T0 to default and mesh with the WX device again.

    If it still does not work properly, it is recommended that you can ask your service provider or retailer for assistance, such as upgrade to the latest firmware or all the settings are correct... etc.

  • geofffox1
    geofffox1 Posts: 8
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Thanks. One other thing to note, I managed to hard reset the WX and the results seem to be unstable. Sometimes it appears in my network, sometimes it does not. When it does appear, it does not appear as expected. See screengrab, which appears to show it as the second extender in a sequence. When it was not working yesterday, the two AP devices appeared in the app to be linked separately to the DX - like a tree/triangle - albeit with the good one (MusicRm) showing a green dotted line joining it to the DX and the faulty one showing a grey line between it and the DX.

    I'm not keen on hard resetting the DX unless I absolutely have to as that will mean having to reestablish links with all my smart plugs around the house (based on previous setup).

    Does the screengrab show the mesh as you would expect, or should it be more of a tree/triangle, with the two APs branching off separately from the DX? @Zyxel_CSO

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited June 2024

    Hello @geofffox1

    Looking at https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/9120511248786-DX3301-T0-EX3300-T0-Configure-Router-and-Connect-WX3100-Using-Mesh the green Ethernet link light will not be lit at step 2.4 because the Ethernet link would no longer be connected.

    - the connectivity would be WiFi only.

    From your screen shot, it seems like both the WX3301-T0 are wirelessly connected to your DX3301-T0 router (which itself is acting as the Mesh controller).

    Are both WX3301-T0 devices having problems?

    Do you get different behaviour if you connect your Music Room device by an Ethernet cable to your DX3301-T0?

    What are the LEDs showing on your WX3301-T0 about WiFi strength, see below screenshot from the user guide https://download.zyxel.com/WX3100-T0/user_guide/WX3100-T0_V5.17_5.50.pdf ? Are your WX3301-T0 in WiFi range of your DX3301-T0?


    There are also some troubleshooting steps in the WX user guide, see below:



    You could also look at a firmware upgrade if you want, see https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en-gb/support/download?model=wx3100-t0

    - what firmware are you running currently in your WX3301-T0 extenders?

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,


  • geofffox1
    geofffox1 Posts: 8
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Thanks for the input @tonygibbs16

    Looking at Table 5 - that differs from the manual that came with my WX. I've photographed and attached the manual that came with it (see below) which seems to indicate the Link LED should be lit regardless of whether I have a wired or wireless connection.

    Only one of the WX devices has been behaving erratically. The other one seems to have been stable. Currently, after another factory reset, both seem to be stable, with both devices showing solid green LEDs for power and Link, and the usual slightly-flickering LED for WiFi.

    My plan had been to have one of my WXs close enough to my upstairs computer so I could use a wired connection, although I'm sure the benefits I would see there would be minimal, as I'm aware that the WX communicates with the main DX via wireless. Is there any point using a wired connection in this situation?

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
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    edited June 2024

    Hi @geofffox1

    You are welcome. I don't know why the LEDs table is different. Except that what you posted in the picture is like Table 6 in the WX3100-T0 user guide.

    If the Link LED is always green on both your WX, then that is good.

    - as it means that the WiFi signal is good enough and just right (not too strong, not too weak, Goldilocks zone :-) )

    - or the Ethernet backhaul is working.

    I do not think that you can use the Ethernet connection as you were thinking, so your upstairs connection will need to be WiFi to a WX, see below mesh usage picture from the user guide.


    I think that you have scenario 4.

    I am glad that you have stability now.

    Kind regards,


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