What is Ethernet failover?

Zyxel_Jami Posts: 127  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Sales Associate First Comment Friend Collector

Ethernet failover is a network redundancy mechanism designed to maintain continuous network connectivity in the event of a failure in the primary Ethernet connection.

In Nebula, "Ethernet Failover" is used to change the AP's role based on its connection status.
Here is our design mechanism:

  1. When enabled, a wired AP in the site automatically changes its role from root AP to repeater AP if the AP is unable to reach the site's gateway.
  2. When disabled, a wired AP in the site automatically changes its role from root AP to repeater AP only if the AP's uplink Ethernet cable is unplugged.

Path: Go to Configure > Access point > AP & port settings.

In the General settings, you can enable or disable the Ethernet Failover feature.