Brand new VMG8623-T50B user/login does not work

Hiya, I just recieved my router and have set it up, the internet connection is solid, but I cannot log in to the online portal to change the settings. "The username or password is not correct or locked." Despite it definitely being correct.

Things I have tried:
Holding the reset button on the back down for 10 seconds
Holding the reset button on the back down for 60 seconds
Turning off & unplugging the router for 2 minutes

All results are the same. The password listed on the back does not work, 1234 as the password doesn't work, nor does admin/admin

Unsure what to do further. The unit is brand new, provided by my ISP (though I had to pay for it)

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  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 970  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hiya @razekpraxis

    Welcome to the forum.

    If your ISP supplied your device, then they might have changed the password.

    You could ask them for the password if you want to…

    OR let your ISP manage the device.

    Kind regards,


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