How to Reset the NWA55AXE to Factory Default Settings

Zyxel_Jami Posts: 24  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Friend Collector Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Sales Associate


If the login password for the Zyxel NWA55AXE Access Point (AP) has been forgotten, follow the instructions below to reset it to factory default settings:

Resetting Through Nebula:

1. Navigate to the Nebula Control Center website.

2. Go to Organization-wide > License & Inventory > Devices.

3. Select the AP (NWA55AXE) and click on the "Actions" button.

4. Click "Remove from organization".

Note: Ensure the AP is connected to the internet and do not power off or unplug the Ethernet cable. The AP will reset itself to factory defaults in about 5 to 10 minutes.

Resetting in Standalone Mode:

1. Connect the AP (NWA55AXE) to a PoE switch (e.g., GS1920 or XS1930) that supports Ethernet Neighbor.

2. Access the switch's GUI and navigate to the Status page > Neighbor link.

3. From the "Switch Neighbor" page, use the reset button to reset the Access Point.