Why some devices bypass the captive portal on wireless network?

Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
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The issue where some devices gain access to the internet without completing the captive portal can be due to several factors. Here are the steps to check and resolve the problem.

Modern devices and browsers often default to HTTPS, which might bypass the captive portal if network rule not configured to intercept HTTPS traffic.

Nebula provides two behavior for users to configure of captive portal redirect policy:

1. Go to Captive portal advance setting > Strict Policy

2. Two options available: Block all access until sign-on and Allow HTTPS traffic without sign-on.

Once select Allow HTTPS traffic without sign-on, some devices may bypass the captive portal.

If you would like to force all devices authenticate by captive portal, select the Block all access until sign-on.