System Alert Email on Base Pack

Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 126  Zyxel Employee
Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector
edited August 2024 in Site-wide settings

Previously, sending system alert emails was a feature exclusive to the Pro Pack in Nebula Control Center (NCC). However, feedback from users and competitive analysis revealed that many cloud network management platforms offer email alerts without additional charges. Users also expressed concerns about needing to purchase both an NCC license and a security service license for receiving email alerts related to security features, resulting in double payments for a single service.

New Enhancement in Nebula 18.10

In response to these issues, Nebula 18.10 introduces the ability to send system alert emails even in base or free organizations. This enhancement is designed to be a win for end customers, providing essential alert functionalities without additional costs.

Key Changes

  1. Email Alerts in Base Pack:
    • System alerts can now be sent via email in base or free organizations.
    • Previously, options that required email alerts displayed a diamond icon, indicating a need for a Pro Pack license. In Nebula 18.10, this icon is removed for email alerts in base organizations.
  2. Licensing Clarification:
    • Although email alerts are now available for base pack users, some services still require a Pro Pack license. For example:
      • Wi-Fi 6 Alerts: While email alerts are available, Wi-Fi 6 itself is a Pro Pack feature. Thus, to receive Wi-Fi 6 alerts via email, a Pro Pack license is still necessary.
      • Security Alerts: Security services like anti-malware or sandboxing require a security pack license. Without this license, NCC cannot send security alerts, even though the email alert feature is free.

By offering system alert emails without additional charges in the Base Pack, Nebula enhances its value proposition and meets the needs of its users more effectively.