Why can't I link my NBD license to my USG FLEX H firewall?

Zyxel_Kay Posts: 859  Zyxel Employee
Second Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Answers Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security


Zyxel provides Next Business Day (NBD) licenses to ensure customers receive prompt hardware replacement and technical support. These licenses are model-specific, making it essential to purchase the correct license for your Zyxel device. You can find more details on the terms and conditions of NBD licenses here.


You may find that your NBD license does not link to your USG FLEX H series firewall, rendering the service inaccessible.

Root Cause

This issue typically arises when the wrong NBD license is purchased. The most common mistake is buying the NBD-GW-ZZ0001F or NBD-GW-ZZ0002F license, which is intended for the SG/ZyWALL/VPN/ATP/USG FLEX series, rather than for the USG FLEX H series.

How to Resolve

  1. Verify Your License Part Number: Check the part number of the NBD license you purchased. For USG FLEX H series firewalls, the correct part numbers are:
    • NBD-GW-ZZ0003F (2-YR)
    • NBD-GW-ZZ0004F (4-YR)
    • NBD-GW-ZZ0005F (1-YR)
  2. Purchase the Correct License: If the part number does not match one of the above, you will need to acquire the correct license for your USG FLEX H series firewall.
  3. Register and Activate: Register and redeem your license on the Nebula Control Center or Circle portal. Please note that currently, registration is only allowed through these platforms.

By following these steps, you can ensure your USG FLEX H series firewall is properly linked to the correct NBD license, allowing you to fully utilize Zyxel’s support services.

If you need further assistance with the license service, please contact Zyxel Support or post in the License & Service category on the Community.


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