I need to reset my password so that I can access EX3301-T0

Johna Posts: 4  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited September 30 in Home Router

I want to set up two wifi, and for that I need to log in. I dont have my password and need to reset it

All Replies

  • Liba
    Liba Posts: 179  Master Member
    First Comment First Answer Second Anniversary

    Normally you can find the login password on the back label.

  • Johna
    Johna Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Yeah and I have tried it but I still can not log into . I dont know who to contact since I cant find a number for support. Any help would be apricated

  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Community MVP
    edited October 1

    You have to make a factory reset to rebuild the initial password printed on the back :

    like this :


  • Johna
    Johna Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Okej thank you, will try it tomorrow and come back with the results

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