
Alaa Posts: 2  Freshman Member

Could you provide me with information on the hardware of this router, such as the CPU, RAM, and flash?.

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  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited January 5

    Hello @Alaa

    Welcome to the forum.

    In my humble opinion, the way to get what you want is to take the top of and look, and also follow the approach of the people doing OpenWRT.

    See https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/add.new.platform

    The OpenWRT project does not have this router's internals listed.

    You could also try to capture a boot log on a console.

    • Matt Brown's YouTube channel on IoT hacking has videos that will show you how this done. For example https://youtu.be/HWJddAd2T5Q?si=XbTxYJgh20Yg2mC5

    Happy new year and kind regards,


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