Should be simple Zyxel XMG3927-B50A firewall question please help!
I have a Zyxel XMG3927-B50A router. Currently the firewall is set to its 'Medium' level (where LAN to WAN traffic is allowed, and WAN to LAN traffic is denied).
I am experimenting with running a TOR bridge on a raspberry pi. The pi is connected to one of the ethernet ports on the router and has the statis ip address of While I am experimenting nothing else is connected to the router.
Anyway, I have installed the tor software and think I have it set up correctly but I can't connect to the bridge from the tor browser.
(In order to configure the bridge address in the tor browser you enter <ip>:<port> <fingerprint>. You get the fingerprint by executing cat /var/lib/tor/fingerprint. The port I have used is 9001, which is the port specified in the torrc. I triple-checked these and am sure these are entered correctly.)
So, on to the router setup.
In Security > Firewall there are four tabs:
General, Protocol, Access Control, DOS
General just has on/off sliders for ipv4/pv6 and low/medium/high settings.
DOS has DOS blocking protection on/off (I have it on).
Under Protocol I selected:
Service Name: Tor Bridge
Description: Private Bridge
Protocol: TCP
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: Single|9001
Finally there is the Access COntrol tab with the following settings:
Active: Yes
Filter Name: Tor Bridge
Order: 1
Select Source IP Address: BLANK (hopefully indicating any)
Source IP Address: (drop down menu of devices on my local network, none of which seem appropriate) [/prefix length]
Select Destination Device: drop down menu of devices, not including the pi on, for some reason)
Destination IP Address: - confirmed address of the pi. [/prefix length]
MAC Address: <mac address of eth0 on the pi>
IP Type: IPv4
Select Service: Tor Bridge: drop down list comprising just the Tor Bridge from the protocol page
Policy: ACCEPT
Direction: WAN to LAN
Enable Rate Limit: off
Then I click OK.
I can't connect. Can anybody see anything in the above I am settin gup wrong?
Thanks in advance I really would appreciate some help!
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