DX3301-T0 - using VoIP behind a German FRITZ!Box

Birger Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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I have a FRITZ!Box 7490 as my internet gateway which also provides my phone capabilities.

To connect two phones in my bureau (where I have only an ethernet line to my FRITZ!Box), I want to use the DX3301-T0 as a VoIP gateway. I have created a VoIP device on the FRITZ side, I have IP address as registrar, username and password.

My VoIP configuration you can find as attached images.

I get a lot errors in the log:

Has anybody successfully running a DX3301-T0 behind a FRITZ!Box?


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  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 146  Ally Member
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    edited December 2024

    There is always a risk of sip Port errors when you use VoIP twice and parallel with a device behind a Router .

    The best way with Fritz box is to make the sip login for all Numbers with the fritzbox in front and these special ones define as Lan IP telephones . Then you connect with the extern device to the fritzbox like to a sip server .

    So may be its better to use real IP telephones over Lan like a Grandstream device .

    But you can try with the same created login data to use the DX3301-t0 device .

    Here is a description to configure for a LAN/WLAN IP Telephone :


  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 146  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

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