DX3301-T0 EasyMesh/MPro Additional AP SSID status not syncing

kevxl Posts: 2  Freshman Member

I have a Zyxel DX3301-T0 paired with a TP-Link HX220 running as an EasyMesh/MPro agent.

The main wifi SSID and password get synchronized, but the additional (more AP) SSIDs are being enabled by the HX220 even though they are disabled on the DX3301.

I assume this is an issue with the DX3301 as in agent mode there are no settings to adjust for the HX220.

Is there a way I can remove these addition (more AP) SSIDs or at least make sure the enabled/disabled status is properly communicated across the EasyMesh network?

All Replies

  • bahecz44120
    bahecz44120 Posts: 44  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment

    you can go to network setting and select on wireless. then, you will see Guest/More AP, which you can disable it.

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