How to troubleshoot SCR 50AXE could not access the internet ?
When Security Router SCR 50AXE disconnect from the Internet.
Please collect the diagnose info first before reboot, follow below steps to collect the diagnose info
If there is a disruption of the internet connection.
Please follow the steps below:
1.Unplug the WAN Ethernet cable and then plug it back in and see if the issue persists.
2.If step 1 does not resolve the issue, try switching to use other Ethernet cable.
If steps above does not help.
Here are the reset steps below:
How to reset security router SCR 50AXE?
How to reset security router without losing WAN configuration?
4.If the problem remains after the reset, please record a video of the device's LED status.
5.Once you have completed these steps, follow the instructions to contact us
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