I have a EX5601-T1 router and I am experiencing "micro-disconnects" when connected via wifi

Furball Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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edited January 9 in Home Router

I have a EX5601-T1 router and I am experiencing "micro-disconnects" when connected via wifi.
The "micro-disconnects" is noticeable when playing an online game (game freezes every 20 seconds or so for less than a second which causes a "stutter" effect in the game) or when watching a streaming video like Netflix (quality drops or the video-player starts buffering, happens every few minutes).
When doing speed tests everything looks great the speed is good (over 300Mbits), the signal looks strong so there is nothing that can explain the weird behavior.
Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this problem ?

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  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hello @Furball

    Welcome to the forum.

    Do you know what version of firmware you are running in your device? There was a new version released in 2024, see below.

    In my experience, micro-stutters can be caused by WiFi interference as well as buffering.

    So you might want to look for WiFi interference using a tool. I use the following:

    Happy New Year and Kind regards, Tony

  • Furball
    Furball Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Thank you for the tip.
    I checked the version and I have the latest. As for the wifi analyzer I used it and found some overlapping wifi networks. I will try to set the channels manually just to see if this overlap is the cause. I will also install a wifi extender for the farther devices to see if it helps. I hope this will resolve my issue.

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited January 12

    You are welcome @Furball

    I have found that a WiFi extender has helped me get the coverage I need through my home. I am using TP-Link RE300 device, and that is good because it provides 5GHz as well as 2.4GHz WiFi when my Zyxel router does only 2.4GHz band.

    I am glad that you are finding the wifi analyser useful. Yes I found that overlapping channels was not helpful for me.

    Kind regards,


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