[Release Note] Nebula Control Center - Phase 7.2 software has been released!

Nebula Moderator
Nebula Moderator Posts: 127  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited July 2022 in Nebula CC New Release

Zyxel Nebula Control Center

Release Note

June, 2019

New Feature and Enhancements

  1. AP now supports sign-in with Facebook WiFi. (Pro-Pack feature)
  2. RSSI threshold can be configured by per-AP basis. (Pro-Pack feature)
  3. Added Wireless Health feature to 11ac wave 2 and beyond series AP. (Pro-Pack feature)
  4. AP DCS default behavior is changed to 'Scheduled, 03:00am, on all weekdays".
  5. AP DCS interval is restricted to 60~1440 minutes.
  6. AP added Station Roaming logs to trace roaming event.
  7. Device/License import usability is improved.
  8. Added Gateway traffic to site-wide summary report.
  9. A remind dialog is added before running Switch Cable Diagnostic.
  10. Added support 6 AP models:
    1. WAC6103D-I
    2. WAC6502D-E
    3. WAC6502D-S
    4. WAC6503D-S
    5. WAC6552D-S
    6. WAC6553D-E
Nebula Forum Moderator