Can radio 2.4G change to 5G radio ?

Zyxel_JoyLee Posts: 28  Zyxel Employee

You can't directly change a 2.4GHz radio to a 5GHz radio. These are separate frequencies and require different hardware. However, you can configure your Zyxel device to broadcast separate SSIDs(network names) for each frequency band. This allows you to connect devices to the 5GHz band for faster speeds and the 2.4GHz band for devices that only support that frequency

To broadcast only the 2.4GHz or 5GHz band, you'll need to create separate SSIDs for each band. You can then assign the 2.4GHz SSID or 5GHz SSID to the desired APs.
To do this, navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Access points > SSID advanced settings > Advanced settings > Band mode and then select the band you want to use.

This will ensure that only the 2.4GHz band or 5GHz band is broadcast for that specific SSID.