Does WAC6103D-I support NAT mode?

Zyxel_JoyLee Posts: 23  Zyxel Employee

WAC6103D-I does not support NAT mode. NAT mode is a feature that allows the access point to create a DHCP subnet with its own NAT for the SSID.If NAT mode is enabled on unsupported models, Nebula CC will not show any error messages. Unsupported models will disable any SSID with NAT mode enabled.

When you want to check what features your AP model supports on Nebula. Or you want to deploy a new AP and you're considering which AP can satisfy your feature requirement. You can learn about it through the function table on NEBULA.

1. Click the "Help" in the top right corner.

2. Go to Support tools > Device function table

3. With the device function table, if there is a point between the row and the column.

It means the column AP model supports the row feature. Please refer to the attached image.

The point of the WAC6103D-I means that support Local bridge。