Need Help USG Flex 100 VPN mac and Windows

xalexandresilva77 Posts: 12  Freshman Member
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Hi there.

Current have a client with USG Flex 100.

That client is using L2TP/IPSec to connect with Windows 10 clients and iphones.

SSL clients paid version to connect with macs. But now macos 15 is not compatible anymore with SecureExtender.

How can i configure IKE2 protocol to work in OS15 but dont messup iphone and windows 10 configurations.

Current IKEv1 configuration

  • Phase 1: 3DES/SHA1/DH2
  • Phase 2: 3DES/SHA1/None

Have tried, but didn't work.

  • Phase 1: AES256, SHA256, DH19
  • Phase 2: AES256, SHA256, PFS: None

What configuration can I put in place so that I can work with Windows 10 and MacOS15 systems?

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