Why can't the SecuExtender obtain the VPN provisioning file from the firewall using an AD account?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,298  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Question :

Why can't SecuExtender obtain the VPN provisioning file from the firewall using an AD account, resulting in the error message 'Authentication Failed: Wrong Login/Password'?

Answer :

There are two possible reasons:

  1. The user entered the wrong password when retrieving the VPN provisioning file.
  2. The user selected the wrong Client Authentication Method. For example, if the user set the authentication method to 'RemoteAccess_Wiz_LOCAL_Auth' instead of 'default,' which includes AD authentication, the authentication will fail. Therefore, the user needs to set the Client Authentication Method to 'default' instead of 'RemoteAccess_Wiz_LOCAL_Auth,' as shown below:

The default Auth.Method which includes AD authentication.

The user can retrieve the VPN provisioning file from the firewall successfully.
