Smart Mesh, wireelss bridge, or other setup

SirWeazel Posts: 2  Freshman Member

I currently have 2 NWA50AX access points. I have 1 upstairs (I'll call this 1U) and 1 downstairs (1D). These are both hardwired into a network switch. I want to extend the wireless to a location i can not run cable to (outside garage building I'll call 1G). The garage has about the same signal strength and distance to both hard wired access points. Ideally I want 1G to be able to switch automatically as needed to either 1U or 1D in case of power issues,reboots,or firmware updates. Is this a good case for smart mesh or would another configuration be needed (maybe a wireless bridge config). I would want to make sure the hardwired connections are utilized on the 1U and 1D access points. Reading about other mesh technologies, i wasn't sure what would happen, and i'm afraid 1U and 1D would mesh together, and the wired backbone would only be used on 1 of the 2 access points. Thanks in advance for the help. My plan is to get another NWA50AX for this. I currently utilize another brand device as a wireless bridge to extend the network to the garage into a switch (but not any SSIDs) and then i just use ethernet off the switch in the garage. But this isn't very flexible and I ideally want this 3rd location to have the same SSID as elsewhere. If better i can designate 1U or 1D as the main connection if needed.

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