Make Traffic Shaping available on Nebula Free

TAPTech Posts: 167  Master Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Nebula Gratitude Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Nebula

I was unhappy to find that Traffic Shaping is only a feature of Nebula Pro. This is a basic feature, it doesn't require any continual updates from Zyxel and should not be subscription based. This is a big problem for us.


  • Zyxel_Chris
    Zyxel_Chris Posts: 701  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited August 2019

    Hello @TAPTech

    Thanks for your advice, please be aware that traffic shaping can still work on source iP range the only restriction is you cannot specify the destination IP, Ports,Protocol and Priority in free version. Sorry for any confusions.?


  • Nebula_Bayardo
    Nebula_Bayardo Posts: 179  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment

    Hey @TAPTech

    Just wanted to update you that traffic shaping is completely free on Nebula since January major release ?

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