Education log and Radius user name

Mikethk Posts: 6  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited April 2021 in Nebula
Hi all

Im managing a education network, and Nebula seems interesting.

Here are a couple of things i think are missing from Nebula, which i know can happen because it works in Meraki and UniFi.

1. Radius user name. We are using Radius authentication. All DK education are. Super simple. But in Meraki they show you the Radius user name. In NCC i can find the "User" table, but no user is showed. Im pretty sure, that if i used some other authentication method, then the username would propperly show. But it is not with Radius authentication. It would help VERY MUCH, if i could find identify users by there username.

2. Client based website visit's. Some more statestic's from each user. We have event log and dl/up stats which is also very useful, but is kinda missing what the user is actually doing when on the WiFi. UniFi shows a list of visited sites, and how much they dl from that site.
I know from the USG310 that i can get a overall statistic which is usefull to conclude the whole uses of the WiFi. But for each client, we cant get much more than "Connected", "Disconnected". What did they download? What did they visit? And when?

But i still love the interface and alot of the feedback you get.


  • Zyxel_Dean
    Zyxel_Dean Posts: 237  Zyxel Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers Friend Collector First Comment
    Hi @Mikethk ,

    Here to update some status of the things you've mentioned.
    For item 1, we will have this ready in the next release, which is scheduled in Jan. 2018 =)  should you be able to see radius user names in client page.

    For item 2, 
    It is in our roadmap currently scheduled for 2nd half of 2018.


  • Zyxel_Dean
    Zyxel_Dean Posts: 237  Zyxel Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers Friend Collector First Comment
    Hello @Mikethk

    Sorry to keep you waiting for such long time, as now we have these features implemented in Nebula.

    For the first request about displaying RADIUS users, the APs are now capable of displaying user account info in the client page.

    The second request of logging client activities, as we have released content filtering feature on NSGs and with that you are able to store the client traffic logging events in the USB. 

    As there are more features in development, please stay tuned for more updates and features :).

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