[NEBULA] Introducing the NSS Analysis Report

Zyxel_Lai Posts: 100  Ally Member
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edited April 2021 in Nebula

The NSS Analysis Report summarizes the Application, Content Filtering, and Anti-Virus results, up to the latest 180 days. As shown in Image 1, the pie chart in the Application report gives the summarized data of the applications used within the user defined time frame and the number showing at the center of the pie chart is the total bandwidth usage amount. It also shows the historical application usage statistics, as well as the list of top applications and the usage details. In addition, there is an Email report feature that allows users to send a summarized report to the designated email addresses for further offline review and management; the report can be set to send on a daily, weekly or monthly basis with an option of adding a customized logo on the report to increase company or brand exposure.

Image 1: NSS Analysis Report - Application (Overall Summary)

Moreover, users can also click on the specific application on the pie chart or on the top application list to further view the details of the selected application usage. As shown below in Image 2, the report gives the specific details such as the total bandwidth usage amount of the application, the IP addresses that used the application, the total usage and the usage percentage by each IP address, and the historical usage statistics of the selected application. Actions can be taken to restrict the use of specific applications for specific IP addresses to better manage bandwidth after checking the Application report.

Image 2: NSS Analysis Report – Application (A specific application is selected)

The NSS Analysis Report also includes the reports on Content Filtering and Anti-Virus. The Content Filtering report (Image 3) tells the blocked websites visited by the network users and the viewing details like hits, hit percentages, and the IP addresses. As shown in Image 4, when a specific blocked website is selected, IT administrators can find out who was trying to access the blocked website and the other viewing details by looking at the IP address list, the hit numbers, and the hit history within the user defined time frame. Actions can be taken to further re-enforce the organization’s security policies and boost employee productivity after checking the Content Filtering report.

Image 3: NSS Analysis Report – Content Filtering (Overall Summary)

Image 4: NSS Analysis Report – Content Filtering (A specific blocked website is selected)

The Anti-Virus report, shown in Image 5, gives the detailed information of the virus names that were detected and blocked, how many times the viruses were detected and blocked and their hit percentages, and the historical statistics within the user defined time frame. In Image 6, when a specific virus is selected, IT administrators can trace the virus source to the IP address(es) that clicked the virus, how many times the virus was detected and blocked, the hit percentage, and the timeline of the hit of the virus. Actions can be taken to re-enforce the security measures in order to protect the organization’s digital assets after checking the Anti-virus report.

Image 5: NSS Analysis Report – Anti-Virus (Overall summary)

Image 6: NSS Analysis Report – Anti-Virus (A specific virus is selected)


With the insightful reports of the NSS Analysis Report, IT administrators can simply understand and analyze the user behavior and network activities, as well as the statistics of blocked malwares and unwanted/botnet web sites, all in a single pane of glass without additional hardware or software investments. More importantly, they can then take corresponding actions, based on the data presented in the NSS Analysis Report, to further enforce security policies, better manage bandwidth, improve workplace productivity, and ultimately protect their business’ digital assets.

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