[NEBULA] NWA1123 & Nebula

Posts: 4  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Nebula
I'm not a seasoned expert with Nebula and there are a few things I don't seem to be able to figure out.

I one one site with a NWA1123 configured and showing in Nebula. That seems OK

Today I added another site with two more NWA1123. Those AP's don't seem to be showing up in Nebula. Does it take a while for Nebula to update??

Is there a way to configure SSID's and so on via Nebula. Again I don't see that anywhere. Is that possible in Nebula?

Thanks Ken

All Replies

  • Posts: 135  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    If they are not shown in your dashboard, check your organization inventory, probably they haven't been assigned to the site. If they are showing but offline, sounds like the APs are not yet connected to nebula.
    Is there a way to configure SSID's and so on via Nebula. Again I don't see that anywhere. Is that possible in Nebula?
    check the configure part of the AP tab and you will find it.  ;)
    "You will never walk along"
  • Posts: 397  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hi @KenS,

    May I know what's the AP's full model name since there are three kinds of models in NWA1123 series? After you add the AP to a site at the first time, it may need to sync configuration and upgrade firmware when the first time online. Usually, it takes about 10-20 minutes to finish the process at the first time, and if you use NWA1123-AC HD, that would take 5-10 more minutes because of the chipset design.
    As @RUnglaube mentioned, if you mean that the APs are not in the site you created, you can try to find it in ORGANIZATION> Inventory and add them to a site.

    For configuration SSID, you can go to AP> Configure> SSIDs and please remember to save it. The new configuration is workable when the AP configuration status is become "up to date".

    Hope it's helpful.


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