Error: Station: [MAC Addr] has blocked by Hostapd3, reason 1

KKC Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Nebula
I have a customer with a single NWA1123-AC PRO installed and connected to the Nebula Control Center.  We are receiving numerous reports of devices that are unable to connect to the SSID.  We're running the latest firmware
v6.10(ABHD.3).  We believe we've found the cause of the problems in the event logs, by have no idea how to fix the problem, as the errors are pretty vague.  Searching Google and the forums has not turned up a solution.

Here are the errors in the logs:

2020-09-24 10:27:08   BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1     Wireless LAN    Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has associated on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz, Signal: -65dBm. Interface:wlan-2-1                            

2020-09-24 10:27:12   BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1     Wireless LAN    Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has blocked by Hostapd3 on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz. reason 1, Interface:wlan-2-1                              

2020-09-24 10:27:12   BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1     Wireless LAN    Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has blocked by prev-Auth Failed on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz. reason 2, Interface:wlan-2-1                        

2020-09-24 10:27:12   BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1     Wireless LAN    WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 1. Interface:wlan-2-1 Station: 44:FE:3B:09:8D:0E                           

2020-09-24 10:27:12   BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1     Wireless LAN    WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 2. Interface:wlan-2-1 Station: 44:FE:3B:09:8D:0E                                                                                

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