Error: Station: [MAC Addr] has blocked by Hostapd3, reason 1
Here are the errors in the logs:
2020-09-24 10:27:08 BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1 Wireless LAN Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has associated on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz, Signal: -65dBm. Interface:wlan-2-1
2020-09-24 10:27:12 BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1 Wireless LAN Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has blocked by Hostapd3 on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz. reason 1, Interface:wlan-2-1
2020-09-24 10:27:12 BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1 Wireless LAN Station: 44:fe:3b:09:8d:0e has blocked by prev-Auth Failed on Channel: 48, SSID: phs, 5GHz. reason 2, Interface:wlan-2-1
2020-09-24 10:27:12 BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1 Wireless LAN WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 1. Interface:wlan-2-1 Station: 44:FE:3B:09:8D:0E
2020-09-24 10:27:12 BC:CF:4F:48:60:C1 Wireless LAN WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 2. Interface:wlan-2-1 Station: 44:FE:3B:09:8D:0E
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