USG1100 DHCP server function stopped providing IP addresses for all lans and vlans


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  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    @imaohw Can you provide the diagnostic log to me in private message for further investigation? Thanks. 
  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    File sent by private message.

    FYI - private message capability in the forum does not allow diagnostic files to be attached due to file type.  I had to append .txt to the file name to "trick" the system.  This should probably be fixed.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,644  Guru Member
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    edited May 2021
    imaohw said:
    FYI - private message capability in the forum does not allow diagnostic files to be attached due to file type.  I had to append .txt to the file name to "trick" the system.  This should probably be fixed.

    Or you could of zip it.
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    @imaohw Thanks for your feedback. I have received your diagnostic file, if there is any further progress will let you know.

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Could you provide remote access to us to see more information about the root cause?
    I have sent a private message to you, thanks.

  • splayer7
    splayer7 Posts: 3
    Friend Collector
    I hate to necro a thread, but my USG60 started doing this yesterday.  I had to reboot to get it to start serving DHCP again.  Was there any fix discovered?
  • imaohw
    imaohw Posts: 124  Ally Member
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    @splayer7 - No, there was not a resolution.  But in fairness I have not had a chance to give Zyxel remote access.
  • chandan
    chandan Posts: 72  Ally Member
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    edited June 2021
    splayer7 said:
    I hate to necro a thread, but my USG60 started doing this yesterday.  I had to reboot to get it to start serving DHCP again.  Was there any fix discovered?
    Hi @splayer7

    Is your Firewall USG60 running the latest firmware on it?
    Actually I had the same problem with my device, but after updating to v4.62, it seems this problem has been resolved....
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    splayer7 said:
    I hate to necro a thread, but my USG60 started doing this yesterday.  I had to reboot to get it to start serving DHCP again.  Was there any fix discovered?

    Hi @splayer7,

    What is your firmware version of USG60? 

    Could you provide the diag-info log to us via private message for further investigation? 


  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @splayer7

    Per our discussion on private message, you encounter an issue that DCHP server try to assign different IP address to client host, but it seems doesn't register MAC address for the client unless rebooting the USG60 can correct the issue.

    As the below illustration, the client can’t get an IP address even the DHCP server assign an IP to the client.

    About this issue, we would like to do more investigation.

    Can you collect the packet and DHCP debug log while the symptom occurring for us?

    And provide the packet,  DHCP debug log, the mac address of the client host to us via private message.


    Please follow the below steps:

    STEP1. Connect USB flash to your USG60.

    Configuration->System->Check “Activate USB storage service”

    STEP2. Check if the USB flash had been recognized by USG60.
    Monitor->USB Storage

    STEP3. Using USB storage to collect DHCP related log.
    Configuration->Log & Report-> Log Settings -> USB Storage -> Activate
    Double click it -> Network -> DHCP -> choose to debug level -> press “OK”

    STEP4.Capture the packet USB storage.
    Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> select the “lan” interface to Capture Interfaces

    STEP5. Retrieving the debug log of DHCP on your USB flash.

    STEP6. Retrieving the packet on your USB flash.

    STEP7. Please provide the packet, DHCP debug log, the mac address of the client host, diag-info log to us via private message.

    Thanks for your assistance in advance!