Create user type that can Add/Delete Cloud authentication users

TAPTech Posts: 167  Master Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Nebula Gratitude Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Nebula
It would be nice if we could create an "admin" user account for our clients, so that they can add/remove Guest users from their network without contacting us.  They don't need to be able to change anything else- just manage the list of Guest Users.

All Replies

  • TomorrowOcean
    TomorrowOcean Posts: 59  Ally Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment
    I remember there is already a admin type that should fulfill your request, guest ambassador?
  • TAPTech
    TAPTech Posts: 167  Master Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Nebula Gratitude Friend Collector
    Thanks for the reply.  I can't seem to find that option anywhere, can you direct me toward it?  I checked in both Site admin and Cloud Authentication area.
  • TomorrowOcean
    TomorrowOcean Posts: 59  Ally Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment
    It is in the Administrators page of organization. Create/Edit an admin and select organization access with none or read-only. Then, configure the site and choose guest ambassador.
  • TAPTech
    TAPTech Posts: 167  Master Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Nebula Gratitude Friend Collector
    Thank you!  I could not figure it out until I clicked that "Add" button below.  Then it became more obvious.  Thank you so much for your help.

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