porta Usb modem VMG8823

rigo Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited November 2017 in Smart Home Product


non riesco a visualizzare percorso per vedere disco archiviazione USB.

nell' interfaccia del modem e' correttamente installato, vedo dimensione , ma non riesco a trovarlo in rete. dove sbaglio?

non vedo cartella dove poter condividere o archiviare , tutta la rete funziona corretamente

grazie per l' aiuto


All Replies

  • Rory
    Rory Posts: 120  Ally Member

    Did you enable "File sharing Services" for VMG8823?

    You can refer the User Guide as below:


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Se usi un sistema windows in file explorer digita \\ Qui vedrai il file system sul dispositivo di archiviazione

  • alemar
    alemar Posts: 1  Freshman Member
    From Italy. I have the same problem. I enabled "File sharing Services". I can see the hard disk and the shared folder but I cannot see the folder (hard disk)  in the network folder of the windows file system. As administrator how can I solve the problem?
    Thank you 
  • Rory
    Rory Posts: 120  Ally Member
    You can try to enable SMB1.0 support if your client is Win10.

  • Vic
    Vic Posts: 1  Freshman Member
        ho un VMG8823-B50B al quale ho collegato un HD alla porta USB e configurato correttamente il file sharing. Con un pc con Win 8 accedo al disco , con device android accedo al disco, il pc con Win 10 NON trova il percorso di rete ma dal pc Win 10 accedo al modem attraverso il browser all'indirizzo Ho controllato la configurazione SMB ed è OK .Qualcuno mi può aiutare a risolvere questo strano problema?
  • paguro48
    paguro48 Posts: 1  Freshman Member
    Good morning
    I write from Italy and I use a modem from Infostrada
    I connected an USB disk to VMG8823-B50B, file sharing services are enabled, I see correctly the disk on Zyxel interface, I activated DDNS and from internet i can connect to usb disk, read and write on it. The problem is that on a PC running windows 10 connected to VMG8823, I don't see the disk. I dis activated the firewall, but nothing changed. If I push the icon of Zyxel Digital Media Server on NET, I have the message:

    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Line Number 1, Column 15:

    running command \\ a windows tell that I can't connect because the file sharing is not sure.

    The problem is Windows 10 doesn't support any more the protocol SMB1?


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