Reset LTE7410-A214

HomeUser213 Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited 2018 23 in Smart Home Product
How can I reset to factory settings this LTE7410-A214 modem? I can't access to modem because I forgot username and psswd


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Sally
    Zyxel_Sally Posts: 32  Zyxel Employee
    Many thanks for choosing Zyxel product.

    The reset button is next to the SIM card slot.

    Press the button for 10 seconds and release, the router will start to reset. 

  • Peppino
    Peppino Posts: 141  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    I have a console cable attached to the board, but I have no access to the button. What would be the linux command to restore factory defaults?

  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Peppino,

    Even you have cable, you still need login password to access to device. So the only way to reset device is by HW button.  Please help to try it.

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