How to find USB share in Windows10.

Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
Sixth Anniversary

If you want to access a hard drive or flash drive to USB on the router, but the connection isn’t successful when using the system win10. Please try to enable the SMB1.0 in the win10 first.

Step 1: Go to the Win10 Control Panel to set the SMB1.0 Feature
  • Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Programs and Feature
  • Click “Turn Windows features on or off”.

  • Enable “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support”

Step 2: Go to Windows Start and then search “network” programs. After find it, double click “netowork”

  • If lan IP of your device is, please type \\ as followings. Then type username/password if it’s need. 

  • After that, access to the drive is successful.


  • Frans194
    Frans194 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Ik heber een harde schijf van 5TB aan gehangen , deze accepteerd hij .alles is te openen of te bekijken met windows 10 explorer en via o.a. KODI af te spelen

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