PLA4241 does not turn on home light nor in powerline not extender.

JCLC Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited May 2018 in Smart Home Product

how can I reset fully the devices, does have power on and internet light on, but home light is not. I have tried different wasy of rested, but cannot get those working. note I have never ugrade firmware but does nto know how to update it. I get the file, but how to install?  on the website does not recognize the Mac nor serial of my devices.



All Replies

  • Mihawk
    Mihawk Posts: 103  Ally Member
    I guess you didn't pair your PLA to another one.
    PLA doesn't have website, but there is the utility, so you can manage it through the utility and set the same NMK on every PLA to sync them together or you can press encrypt button on two PLAs within 1 second and release, then they will sync together and homeplug will light.

    PS. PLA4241 should not the model for Zyxel.

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