ZyXEL VMG8324-B10A max wireless login atempt limit

Diversity Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited June 2018 in Smart Home Product

Is there a way to prevent brute force logins on the wireless network?

I am thinking of max 4 tries per minute per mac address or perhaps some industry standard way of preventing a hacker of gaining access to the network via brute force.

If not yet possible then this is a request to zyxel to implement this important feature in the next firmware update. It should be really easy to implement.

Kind regards,



All Replies

  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Diversity,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I will deliver this idea to our team and then evaluate it.

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