Issue with ZyXEL VMG8924. Doesn't detect connected SSD/HDD/USB for file share service

ibaklash Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited July 2018 in Smart Home Product
Hey Guys!
I need help with ZyXEL VMG8924. I have bought it this week and have been trying to setup the file share service at home. I connected SSD (1TB) to it but router doesn't see it. It shows green light on the front side of the modem indicating that USB is connected and SSD lights also. 
When I connect to the Router setup page and go to the USB Services, it doesn't show any connected usb device. So I cannot complete the setup of the file share service.

Could you please help me to find out the problem?

I've tried different devices, HDD (250gb), SSD (1tb) USBs. Nothing is detected in both slots 1st and 2nd.


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  • YeK
    YeK Posts: 150  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi ibaklash,

    I can see my USB states in GUI :  Network Setting -> USB Service -> Information page.  

    What’s your VMG8924’s firmware version ? If you try other USB dongle (such as 32G size), does the issue still happen?

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