Posts: 1 Freshman Member
My PLA5456 will not connect. I live in a condo where the electrical meter is for the whole building not just my unit. My local unit and remote will not link up. Have I followed the following start up sequence? 1- I plugged both units into power: 2 - connected local via ethernet cable to router and connected remote to docking station for my lap top with ethernet cable; 3- Held encrypt / reset button for ~ 1 second on local and ran to remote within 30 second and hit that reset button for less than 1 second
For about a minutes the Power lights blinked; home light blinked; Ethernete blinked and was continuous. After about a minute for both local and remote - Power light is on and continuous; 2- Home plug is dark and ethernet plug blinks.
I have about 20 circuit breakers in my condo should I assume the local and the remote are not on the same circuit?
Any suggestions? Disappointed was hoping this was the wireless solution to my poor internet connective problem within my condo
For about a minutes the Power lights blinked; home light blinked; Ethernete blinked and was continuous. After about a minute for both local and remote - Power light is on and continuous; 2- Home plug is dark and ethernet plug blinks.
I have about 20 circuit breakers in my condo should I assume the local and the remote are not on the same circuit?
Any suggestions? Disappointed was hoping this was the wireless solution to my poor internet connective problem within my condo
With your description, homeplug LED is lighting, then your both device should be linking success.
What is your topology and how do you check the both not link up? If you plug both to socket and nearby each other, then can you see the internet workable?0
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