Port Forward EMG2926

theshark556 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited October 2018 in Smart Home Product
I cannot for the life of me get this right.

I have been trying to portforward this router from Videotron (EMG2926) to work, i have tried EVERYTHING, firewalls, port triggers, DMZ settings, everything i could find; the problem is that i can access these ports from inside the network but not over WAN or outside the network.

Thanks in advance,
-yo boi im too lazy to spell chech this or correct the grammar mistakes ;P


All Replies

  • Edwardc
    Edwardc Posts: 55  Ally Member
    Hi @theshark556

    What is your firmware and topology?
    I have a NAS under EMG2926, and I could forward the port from WAN to LAN, then I can access my NAS data.
    How did you configure your port forward setting?
  • theshark556
    theshark556 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Firmware V: V1.00(AAQT.5)b4

    Any more info you'd like?
    I seriously still have no idea why.

  • Edwardc
    Edwardc Posts: 55  Ally Member
    If you enable WAN access on your EMG2926, can you access your EMG2926 web GUI through WAN? Just make sure your WAN is reachable through Internet.
    PS, if you use the same port 80 on EMG2926 and, then you have change EMG2926 http port to another.

    Another suggestion: try to set default server as, then keep the following service setting, then try again.
  • theshark556
    theshark556 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    edited October 2018

    I can verify that my WAN is not accessible from the interwebs, and my router WGUI port is 8080(Auto changed after i assigned the new portforward rules were applied). maybe its blocked by the DHCP options(not able to understand what the options really mean)?
  • Edwardc
    Edwardc Posts: 55  Ally Member

    I think it is not the problem to cause NAT port forward.
    But if you concern this part that you may can contact videotron for the assistance.
    Since the DHCP option 125 from Google is a Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information.
    Maybe they can check it and provide you the solution.

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