SBG3300-N bricked, how to can i recover back?

mlml139 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited December 2018 in Smart Home Product
my SBG3300-N bricked, 4 lan port can used as switch, Plugging an Ethernat cable from router to PC, connection light comes ON but no IP address is assigned to PC, tried assigning address to PC in the range of 192.168.1.x manually and couldn't ping the router on either .
Was wondering if there is another procedure to restore the firmware? maybe via USB or using some application that can access the router over some different protocols?
how is this 4 jumpers work.  i have serial TTL tools

this is the light like after swich on. if u pulg lan cable, the port light will on,  is this broken or still can recover back?


All Replies

  • Blabababa
    Blabababa Posts: 151  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    You may follow the procedure and try to re-upload the firmware onto the device
    1. Power off the device
    2. Keep pressing on the reset button on the back of the SBG3300 and power on the device. Wait for few seconds then release the reset button
    3. Connect your laptop/pc to the SBG3300 LAN port.
    4. Open your browser and connect to

    After these steps, you should be able to see the firmware uploading page. Restore the firmware (be aware of the Annex A/Annex B version, don't mix the firmware version when restoring it)

    Good luck.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,870  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    That serial port pinning is found in many ZyXEL devices. The layout is
    +----+----+----+    +----+
    |3.3V| TX | RX |    | GND|
    +----+----+----+    +----+
    AFAIK all devices use 115200 n 8 1. Do not connect the 3.3V pin.

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