VMG8924-B10A Firmware upgrade

Vinay Posts: 1
edited December 2018 in Smart Home Product
My current firmware on router shows as V1.00(AAQU.1)b24 and latest firmware available on the ZyXEL site is 1.00(AAKL.21)C0.
I did the firmware upgrade to the latest but my router wasn't updated. I have done multiple times but it still shows old firmware. Does any one know what went wrong?



  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary

    Hi Vinay,

    1.00(AAQU.1)b24 is customized fw for your ISP so that’s why you cannot use 1.00(AAKL.21)C0 on your VMG8924-B10A. If you need newer version, please contact with your ISP for help.

  • NeAl
    NeAl Posts: 77  Ally Member
    Second Anniversary
    Slightly off topic, but still; out of curiosity, how frequently do ISPs update their custom firmware?
  • Tower
    Tower Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Thank you all.
    The problem is with the ISP version of the firmware - it seems like it has been fixed now.
  • Mads_
    Mads_ Posts: 1
    First Comment
    Could I most humbly request this question be deleted? 

    Reason for my request: As the OP learned, the "AAKL" or "AAQU" part of the firmware (so-called "digits", apparently) indicates custom build variants for individual ISPs.
    This forum thread is presently the top search result when searching for firmware for the ZyXel VMG8924 with the AAQU designation, but the post contains only a misunderstanding and NOT a solution nor a reference to one. I don't mean any offense to the OP, with whom I share this problem of AAQU (legacy?) firmware.

    P.S. Would there be any point in continuing my search for an update to my VMG8924-B10A's firmware version: V1.00(AAQU.1)b24 ? Specifically, is there firmware of the AAQU variety out there that will make the 8924 function in bridge mode with a non-ZyXel wireless station? If you're just here to strike the post, don't worry about answering my question and thank you.
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 971  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hello @Mads_

    Unless you can get the AAQU legacy firmware from the ISP who sold you the router, then I think that you are stuck.

    The VMG8924-B10A-EU01V1F was declared end of life (EOL) in October 2015 according the information at https://www.zyxel.co.uk/upload/doc/All%20EURB-EOL.xlsx and then it would have 5 years until end of support (EOS) as a business device according to https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/4844786400786-End-of-Life-EOL-EoL-End-of-Support-EOS-EoS-

    This would mean the EOS would have been October 2020.

    So the VMG8924-B10A is End of Support.

    Kind regards,
         Tony (a fellow Zyxel customer.)

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